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Thursday, September 18, 2014

There has been a lot of controversy in the news relating to gay marriage. We find that the majority of people relate to one side or the other. It is rather hard to have a middle ground in this situation without a major conflict in fundamental beliefs. Since I am from Indiana this article specifically relates directly to me and where I have grown up my entire life. For the longest time Indiana has been strictly against gay marriage. In fact our state ruled that the definition of marriage is between a man and a woman. This all changed when a district judge ruled in a court case that the definition of marriage being between a man and a woman was unconstitutional. As of that point, it opened up the doors for gay marriages and ceremonies to legally take place in the state. Then within a short time from this ruling the Circuit Court of Appeals rejected the judges ruling and the previous definition of gay marriage was reinstated. 

Obviously with this being such a controversial issue, it is very sensitive to some people. I by no means aim to offend anyone by this. I struggle finding a true stance on the issue for multiple reasons. As i was raised Christian, specifically Lutheran, biblically speaking I am obligated to be completely against it. As some of my friends in my life choose to live a homosexual lifestyle, I want them to have what makes them truly happy in life. One way that I can justify this is that the bible says that no sin weighs more than any other(every sin is equally bad/wrong) except for hardening your heart and denying Jesus. In this way one of the most applicable bible verses would be when it roughly says do not look at the spec of dust in your neighbors eye when there is a plank in your own eye. In this, people judge and rebuke that kind of lifestyle but fall short in so many other areas and in most cases are not sorry for it. We as humans lie, cheat, and steal on a normal basis and are not necessarily truly sorry for what we have done. Although I do not support gay marriages, I do believe that people have the right to live the life that they want. Who am i to judge someone on their homosexual lifestyle when I myself fall short in so many other areas. I have no issue with people who choose to live that lifestyle. The only issue I have with any of it is when someone of that lifestyle deems that I should fully support and agree with that lifestyle. 

"Indiana: Waiting for Justices to Rule on Gay Marriage." The New York Times. The New York Times, 15 Sept. 2014. Web. 19 Sept. 2014.

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