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Thursday, September 11, 2014

Racism in Today's Social Media

Since the end of slavery it would be reasonable to think that racism and racial superiority particularly in the United States are about as alive as the latin language. But just how alive is racism in the world today? Platforms such as social media make expressing racial views easier and easier as the days go by. We as a society no longer have to openly proclaim our views in the town square for everyone to see and hear. In modern times we can just as easily express our views without having to physically say a single word. We can and would much rather hide behind a digital mask remaining anonymous.

So how often does this racial discrimination occur? Studies show that on the popular social media network Twitter alone more than 10,000 tweets are sent per day with racial intent. That means every 45 seconds someone, somewhere in the world, is making racial comments indirectly through social media platforms. 

In an day and age where racism is thought to be extinct and ridiculous, it seems to be a lot more prevalent than we may have initially thought. We as a society seem to be desensitized to the whole idea of racial slander. Because of the hip hop industry it is now widely accepted to use the word “nigga” as if it were an every day word. Because of shows like jersey shore it now widely accepted to use the word “guido” as if it were an every day word. The list goes on and on. We deem these things that were once atrocities used only in the most extreme or hateful circumstances to be socially acceptable and the new norm. 

Hoenig, Chris. "Anti-Social Media: Study Finds Racist Tweets Are Sent

     This Many Times a Day." DiversityInc. N.p., n.d. Web. 11 Sept. 2014.

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